
Christ’s final command before ascending to heaven expressed the high importance he placed on the act of baptism (Matthew 28:19). We are committed to partnering with our community as they take important steps forward, like baptism, in their faith journey.

Next Baptism

What better time to take the step of obedience of being baptized than Easter Sunday morning?! If you would like to take the next step in your faith journey and be baptized, we are offering two opportunities. The first will be during our Saturday, April 19 family service at 4p. The second will be held on Sunday, April 20 at 8a in the Memorial Garden. Finally, during all our Easter Sunday morning services at 8, 9:30, and 11:30a. After you register, someone will reach out to you to discuss your decision.


Our Dedication celebrations will happen once a year during weekend services in the Worship Center.

Parents should plan to attend a mandatory Baby Dedication Class that will happen the week before the dedication service. Here we will help encourage, present resources, and share some of the best ways you as a parent can raise up a child to have a lifelong faith. We will also share how we as the church want to partner alongside of you in that process.

Infant Dedication and Baptism

At Cherry Hills Community Church, we believe child dedications and baptisms are for the public declaration of parents to raise their child to know God and develop a relationship with Him through Jesus Christ. It is a commitment by the parents to pray, love, teach and direct their child in the truth of scripture while discipling them into a relationship with Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. We are excited to come alongside you in this celebration.

Check back for our next Baby Dedication and Baptism date.